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Approximately 85% of the money spent on cars leaves the local economy (Walkable Cities).

Traffic costs Americans about $2.76 trillion per year:

Link to Warren Buffett explaining 470 ton-mpg is the average efficiency of the 140,000 miles of freight railroads in the US. Yet roads move a 200 pound person with the 25-mpg efficiency of the Model-T. Since The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1916 government policies replaced 46% of freight railroads with highways that are 188 times less efficient. JPods networks will displace urban car-miles with solar-powered networks with multiple 10X benefits.

Driving a paradigm shift requires a 10X benefit relative to existing costs. Following is a summary of the 10X benefits of JPods networks.

10X is required to break into a market

Cost TypicalJPodsTimes Better Background
Capital cost of light rail$202 million/mile $20 million/mile10X $million per mile to build (light rail verses JPods)
Capital costs of newcar ownership.$10,728010X JPods provide Mobility As a Service.
Cents per vehicle mile traveled.63.74¢.04¢10X Graph above is per passenger-mile using government estimation of 1.57 people per car.
Traffic accident costsper American per year$1,035$0.0010X Morgantown’s PRT has had 5 minor injuries in 50 years. Roads have 4.5 million injuries per year.
Road injuries permillion people per year11,200 0.9 to 3.410X Injuries per million using US DOT regulations versus ASTM F24 regulations.
Human Factors     
AccessAfford cars8 ys and older6X % that cannot drive/operate, under 5 years old
Congestion48510X Hours lost to congestion each year
Capacity, Cars480028,0006X *4 seats every 3 seconds for cars and .5 seconds for JPods
Capacity, Bus60028,00010X *Busfive minutes apart with 50 seats verses JPods
Capacity, Trains120028,00010X *Trains 10 min apart with 200 seats verses JPods
     *JPods can have multiple rails is same right of way
Pollution per passenger-mile~.5 pound010X See graph above converted from energy required per passenger-mile.
Land Use 2,642 2910X Square feet per vehicle
Defense492 billionSelf-reliance10X 1% the estimated cost of Iraq War
Trade Deficit584 billionSelf-reliance10X 2006 Trade Deficit for cars and oil
Currency ValueCauseSelf-reliance10X Foreign oil addiction weakens the dollar
Peak OilCauseSelf-reliance10X US Peak Oil was in 1970
Climate ChangeCauseSelf-reliance10X Mobility within a solar budget

In the effort to build a sustainable future we have two great forces working with us. Federal monopolies have burnt up the time. We have less than 4 years until Oil Famine.

  • 10x energy savings by building the Physical Internet®. JPods is the WiFi of the Physical Internet.
  • 6x Net Energy advantage of solar over oil as a transportation fuel



The Rule of Law:

Neither the Internet nor cellphones could deploy against under the Federal communications monopoly. For the same reason American had a century of rotary telephones under the Federal communications monopoly, under the Federal power and transportation monopolies we lost nearly half the freight railroads since The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 and 600,000 windmills since the Rurual Electrification Adminstration in 1935. The cause of Climate Change is the US Federal policies of taxing to build and subsidize coal/oil fired infrastructure. Natural law, the Constitution, 10x benefits can be scaled as soon as the Rule of Law is restored.

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