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Design Your Own JPods Network

AI summary of the benefits for your city.

Link to example networks designed with this software.

Changing the lifeblood of America, and the world, from oil to ingenuity is a huge task. It is too big to be accomplished by anyone. So at JPods we take the ant approach to eating an elephant, small bites, lots of friends. We will provide anyone that wants to help and participate with the tools to design JPods solar-powered mobility network. We have a program so that people creating ideas and opening markets can share in the value that is created. We created tools to help those who want to help:

  • RouteTime™ (download).
    • Sourish led the effort to integrate v into JPods concepts to estimate travel times, loads, vehicles required, etc…
    • Here is link to an overview video.
    • You must have Java installed (download).
  • Plugin 3D SketchUp® and GoogleEarth® (download).Christina led the effort to integrage JPods concepts into 3D modeling in Sketchup and GoogleEarth. You may see references to railroads in this because she adapted it from software she wrote to build railroads.
    • You must have SketchUp installed to use this software (download).

Although this is not from JPods and some parts of this do not make sense to us,  there are very many excellent ideas in this video. Where JPods differ is:

  • Grade-separation. We believe efficiencies and safety are obtained by grade-separating the networks.
  • Door-to-door. We think scooters and bikes will be signification to the last-mile.

Supporting flyers:

email — hi resemail — hi res

  email — hi res

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