Why JPods
Physical liberty, providing the ability to go where you want, when you want regardless of age, ability, or wealth is the Why of JPods.
The HOW of JPods: Start small, iterate relentlessly
WHAT of JPods is solar-powered, commuter range transport of people and cargo in payloads less than 1,200 pounds.
The digitizing of Mobility As A Service (MAAS) with multiple 10X savings based on the 5X5 Performance Standard of:
- Exceed efficiency of current approved transport modes by 5 times.
- Pays 5% of gross transportation revenues for non-exclusive use of Rights of Way.
Uber, Lyft, and urban scooters are just the beginning of how MAAS will develop to replace what is failing.
Current public policies are the cause of Climate Change and growing economic hardship. Moving 2 tons to move a person forces Americans to pay about $2.76 trillion per year on traffic. 16% of our income ($813/monrh) is spent on transportation. Often with some difficulty of finding a spot, cars are pared 95% of the time.
- $756 billion per year for oil.
- $871 billion per year in accidents, alternate data source.
- 40,100 road-deaths in 2017.
- 2.31 million injuries in 2013.
- $305 billion per year in congestion.
- $109 billion per year in car damage from poor road maintenance.
- $723 billion per year in land use at $1 per square foot per year (cost of a garden plot, apartments are normally $2-5 square foot per month with mulitple floors in a single square foot of land).
About $1 trillion per year of costs can be recovered as value (customer savings and profitable revenue). Link to PowerPoint and KeyNote presentation. There is over a $trillion per year of waste that can be converted to profits and customer savings by repeating in transportation the success of restoring communication infrastructure to free markets in 1982.
Grade-separation, robotics, and solar collect can convert 70% of current urban traffic costs into jobs, customer savings, and profits. JPods patent (6,810,817):
- Networks of self-driving cars: “A method of controlling a transportation System for moving people, freight, and any combination whereof using a distributed network of intelligent devices without requiring the aid of a human driver”
- Solar-powered mobility networks: “The method… providing… Solar and wind power generators integrated into the physical Structure of Said transportation System….”
JPods exist to help convert at least half theses costs into jobs, customer savings, and profits.
ROI Engine – the ecology of single-purpose companies.
10X Benefits — Transportation has always been the catalyst for changing energy systems.
Specifying known costs of regulation and regulatory delays.
Red Bull TV, JPods starts at 9:30 (2015). This covers three major areas of change (tinyURL) of self-driving cars, JPods, and Hyperloops.
The solution to traffic problems has been understood for half a century. Morgantown’s PRT delivered 150 million passenger-miles since it opened in 1972.
JPods US Patent improves on the Morgantown PRT in two important ways (6,810,817):
- Robots replace the central computer control system: “A method of controlling a transportation System for moving people, freight, and any combination whereof using a distributed network of intelligent devices without requiring the aid of a human driver”
- Networks are solar-powered: “The method… providing… Solar and wind power generators integrated into the physical Structure of Said transportation System….”
Tricia Nixon opened the first self-driving car network on Oct 24, 1972. She said it was “more fun than Disneyland.” The Federal highway monopoly has blocked further deployments of PRT in America since. That same highway policy caused the bankruptcy/abandonment of nearly half the freight railroads despite 400+ ton-miles per gallon efficiencies.
We have already passed the tipping point.
Self-driving cars are the Motorola Razr of Digital Mobility™, digital devices on the analog highway network. JPods and Hyperloops are digital devices on digital networks. As soon as we begin deploying networks, the rate of change will become extraordinary.
Summary of the Speed and Scale of the changes coming by digitizing mobility:
- Tony Seba Future of Transportation as a Service
- McKinsey, The second great inflection point in mobility
- Red Bull TV, JPods starts at 9:30 (2016) on the future of transportation (self-driving cars for off-network, JPods for urban networks, and Hyperloops for highspeed networks between cities)
- $500 million Hyperloop Certification Center in West Virginia Announcement
- Pirates and Patriots, such as Tesla, are purposefully violating existing laws to delivered 3 billion self-driving miles on roads and a 9X better safety record. An example of violating laws, operating a car without a licensed driver, no driver at all, Tesla’s promotional video on “Smart Summon”
- Praetor Capital 2021 estimate of PRT capital value of $31-58 billion.
- Pitchbook, “Q1 2021 Emerging Tech Research: Mobility Tech”
Capital Investments:
- Morgan Stanley: Why Waymo Is Worth A Staggering $175 Billion Even Before Launching Its Self-Driving Cars
- McKinsey and Company: ‘A physical version of the Internet’: How Hyperloop could be the broadband of transportation
- $28 billion was invested in mobility startups in 2017
- 40x ROI on Kiva’s $775 sale to Amazon
- Mar 5, 2020: Valued at $30bn, Waymo considers its next move “outside investors lined up this week to pour $2.25bn into Waymo”
- Transportation poised for wild ride over next decade
TEDx Atlanta: Link
TEDx Mid-Atlantic