Press Background Doc
Please consider doing a story of how digitizing mobility networks in cities will convert traffic costs into jobs, customer savings, and profits (link to the 10X paybacks of the Physical Internet®).
- High-speed: Hyperloops are the fiberoptics of the Physical Internet®. They go fast but cannot turn corners.
- Local Area Networks: JPods are the WiFi of the Physical Internet solving urban traffic problems.
- Last-Device: Self-driving cars, Uber, scooters, electric bikes will the BlueTooth, the last-mile devices.
JPods would like to fund building a $3 billion solar-powered urban network in LA in the next 3 years. Attached is a Letter of Interest from Goldman Sachs for your reference. It is relative to our efforts to build a similar network in Atlanta (link).
The only thing the city must do is restore free markets by passing the Solar Mobility Act (attached, and link to S.1993 pending in the Massachusetts Legislature). This is a simple one-page law that allows privately funded networks to use public rights of way if they are 5 times more efficient than current modes of transportation using the Rights of Way for 5% of the network’s gross revenues. These networks will convert traffic costs into jobs and pay taxes to do so.
- Morgantown WV PRT networks is an example. It is a network of self-driving cars and a grade-separated guideway.
- Tesla has 1.88 billion self-driving car miles on roads. Tesla and Morgantown prove there is no technical barrier to having networks of self-driving cars. “Pirates and Patriots” example of how Tesla is purposefully violating laws to force innovation via popular support and common law, no licensed driver in a moving car, Smart Summons app.
- Grade-separated guideways are exposed to radically fewer risks than Tesla’s driving on the road.
- JPods contract to build solar-powered mobility networks in China.
- Red Bull TV documentary on The Future of Transportation.
- TEDx Atlanta presentation.
- Minneapolis Fox News story from 2006
- Network pending in Atlanta