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Climate Change Root Cause

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The Boston Tea Party was a demonstration against the general government’s mercantile transportation monopoly that triggered a war. To prevent rebuilding that path to war, the Constitutional Convention voted 8 state to 3 to that enumerated limit of “post Roads” with “No Preference” in the facilities of commerce of one state over another.

Amendments triggered Federal consolidation:

  • 1913, the 16th Amendment implemented the Income Tax to strength Federal war-powers. It has been used to tax for funds used beyond the enumerated powers of the Constitution.
  • 1913, the 17th Amendment ended state representation in the Senate. The cost of political corruption was reduced from buying half a state legislature to mere contributing to a Senate campaign. Senators began representing special interests than their states.
  • 1919, the 18th Amendment authorized Federal policing commerce of individual Americans. Although repealed by 21st the police powers esblished have grown since.
  • 1916, Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1916 began taxing to build highways.

Harms of violating the Constitution by mixing war-powers with mercantile transport monopolies:

The purpose of this book is to restore free markets using the #5x5Solar standard. Free markets will allow urban transport networks to approach the 470 ton-mpg efficiency of freight railroads and remove enough car traffic to make streets safe to walk and bike.

Amazon Link: Climate Change Root Cause, Unconstitutional Federal Highways making unwalkable cities

Click on the cover image to access a free copy online.

The Constitution documents States, not the Federal government, are sovereign over “internal improvements” and “We the People” are sovereign over the “general welfare”:

Two aspects of our Liberty intertwine in a Darwinian crucible of creative destruction to create the “general welfare”:

  • Tolerance of Disruptive Minorities offering choices.
    • There are few Disruptive Minorities as tiny and disruptive as inventors. An “obnoxious individual” creates a better choice that eclipses entire industries.
  • Tolerance of people sorting choices via free markets and free speech, the Wisdom of the Many.
    • Adam Smith’s “invisible hand” is not invisible, just tiny. It is the vast accumulation of tiny acts of liberty by each of us as we choose between choices.
    • The aggregated wisdom of all of us, with each of us acting in our own self-interest, is wiser than the wisest of us at choosing between choices.



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