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JPod’s US patent is for the invention of solar-powered transport networks. The Physical Internet® improves on the Morgantown PRT in two important ways (6,810,817):

  • Robots replace the central computer control system: “A method of controlling a transportation System for moving people, freight, and any combination whereof using a distributed network of intelligent devices without requiring the aid of a human driver”
  • Networks are solar-powered: “The method… providing… Solar and wind power generators integrated into the physical Structure of Said transportation System….”

Patent-Automated Guideways Facilitating 3-Tiered Cargo Shipments-#63/706,634

Energy Self-reliant of Automated Guideway Transit Networks: 63/706,637

Temporary Implementations of Automated Guideway Transit Networks: 63/706,638

Border Support and Security using Automated Guideway Transit Networks, 63/768,958


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