LInks to:
- Benefits of walkable cities, JPods can remove 40% of car-trips to make cities safe to walk and bike. Walking, biking, and distributed logistics, so local stores can compete with big box stores, will remove another 40% of car-trips.
- History of Morgantown PRT and PRT as the solution to traffic and 1973 Oil Embargo.
- metrics
- Physical Internet®,
- ai assessment of the benefits by city
- ai assessement of energy waste by mode, Parasitic Energy Ratio
- Example networks and free software to model networks
- MOU and contract to create a known cost of regulation so private capital will immediately fund vialble networks.
Walkability is the primary driver of jobs and wealth creation. Highways harm commerce by harming walking and biking. The 5x5Solar standard supports walkable cities (Massachusetts, Georgia, Texas, New Jersey)
End of affordable oil: